Monday, March 14, 2011

Hey everyone!

Well Brady and I are doing pretty good still. We are continually trying to settle more and look for a job for Brady. We are working on getting back into school and get busy working on the future.

Brady is doing pretty good working a temporary job right now through SOS. But is still really REALLY wanting to find something more permanent. If anyone knows of anything here in Utah county Please let us know. He is going to school for Business with an emphasis in International Business. So it would be nice for him to get a job that is related to what he wants as his future career. He is being VERY supportive and a great help to me as I continue to struggle through my pain and the life changing things that I have to deal with right now. He is the BEST husband I could have ever asked for. Actually he's even better than that. I love him SO much and I hope that I can continue to become a worthy wife for him. :)

I'm still working on healing up and trying to recover from the difficulties pertaining to the car accident 2 months ago. Right now I'm stuck and home still and I'm not allowed to work. I've had a lot of time on my hands and have recently been inspired to go after an old dream. When I was younger I used to write short stories and all sorts of stuff like that. I am a major book-worm and after being inspired and having a bunch of free time on my hands, I've been come an aspiring writer. Hopefully this will take me somewhere someday, but we'll see for now. Because I want to be a writer I have to be in the writers mind-frame, so I'll be on my laptop writing each and every day. Which means I'll actually be keeping up on my blogs now. :) I also have a new blog specifically related to my writing and what I love: BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS. So if you'd like to check it out and follow how my writing is going as well as some book reviews, etc. on it here is the URL.

We are both loving being home and spending time with Family and friends and for those that we haven't had the opportunity to see or spend time with, we still love you! We are working on finding time to spend out of the house, away from job hunting, and some time away from preparing for school lol. So Please Don't think we forgot about you!! We haven't.

We had the opportunity to go over with my family yesterday. My mom and I threw a surprise birthday party for Tim, Liz, & Bailey. We all miss her very much but I think celebrating her birthday was nice for all of us and a little therapeutic (for me at least). We were able to write messages on Baby Pink balloons and send them up to heaven to Bailey. Damian was having a blast, he colored on two balloons and made special pictures for his little sister. Then of course we HAD to make sure Bailey got one from Braxton too. So we gave him a marker which of course he gripped onto and held it, and Tim moved the balloon around. That way Braxton got to do a balloon for his big sister. :) It was an amazing day and I'm so Glad that we did it!

Well I'm going to head out now, I've gotta go run some errands. There's an update on us and how we are doing. Love to all!!!


1 comment:

Emily ~ Lizzy said...

Glad to hear you are both doing well :D I know of jobs in SLC, but as far as Utah County, sorry hun. Good luck though ! We still need to hang out, sorry its been so hectic on my side, just school and work gets in the way of fun.